Microsoft Word - ChristianityNotReligionBkMSS.doc

(WallPaper) #1

religionism of moralism and ethicism is astounding. How
soon they abandoned reliance upon the dynamic grace of
God for Christian behavior. For the most part they lapsed
into the legalism of the old Pharisaism, but some opted for
the hedonism of libertinism where “anything goes!”.
Subsequent emphases on behavioral practices included
pietism, quietism, and the suppressionism of fleshly
tendencies. On a collective level there have been calls for
social activism, as well as pressured appeals to participate
in evangelism and revivalism.
(4) ...isms of procedural patterns. In order to pass on
the explanations of their belief-system, Christian religion
instituted catechism instruction. Those who were the
teachers participated in the authoritarianism of clericalism,
and its eventual professionalism. The inevitable politicism
of the church leadership resulted in hierarchicalism and
papalism. As they conducted the public gatherings of the
Christian religion, these same leaders encouraged
ceremonialism and formalism through ritualism and
liturgism. Sacramentalism further tied the participants to
the procedural patterns of the priests. Though there were
some Christians who attempted to escape all worldliness
through asceticism or monasticism, the vast majority

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