Microsoft Word - ChristianityNotReligionBkMSS.doc

(WallPaper) #1
Chapter Eight



In raised gold letters over the ornate entrance, the sign
read "Global Repair and Rehabilitation Enterprises." The
corporate offices of this successful worldwide business
were topped with a spire, and the windows were formed of
stained-glass designed by the world's best artisans. The
founder of this enterprise, Mr. J. C. Soterion, was known
throughout the business world as "Mr. Fix-it." His hand-
picked successors had built up the business with the stated
objective to fix, correct and solve every problem known to
man. By aggressive marketing and multinational
franchising the incorporation was eventually able to engage
in corporate diversification that allowed for specialization
in every area of problem-solving. By the further
development of political alliances with “the powers that be”

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