Microsoft Word - ChristianityNotReligionBkMSS.doc

(WallPaper) #1

(cf. Rom. 8:14), we live and act by the grace-dynamic of
God as He leads and empowers genuine Christian ministry.
Some have attempted to portray Jesus as a political and
religious revolutionary-activist. Such actions as overturning
the tables in the temple and standing up to the religious and
secular authorities can easily be misconstrued as having
such motivation, but a larger perspective of Jesus’ ministry
does not lend itself to the support of such an agenda. His
intent was indeed revolutionary, but not in the sense of
political insurrection or social transformation, but rather in
a radically different concept of “kingdom” wherein He as
the divine king would reign and rule as Lord in the lives of
the people of God, manifesting His character which is
diametrically opposite of that evidenced in the fallen world-
order. Indeed, there was a predicament or problem to solve
in order to effect such a kingdom – the alienation of man
from God by his spiritual condition and behavioral
expression of sin. In an act that accepted the appearance of
powerlessness and weakness, Jesus voluntarily submitted in
obedience (cf. Phil. 2:8) to vicariously and substitutionally
take the consequences of humanity’s sin in death. In this
remedial action of redemption He would take the death
consequences of our sin, in order that the reality of His

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