Microsoft Word - ChristianityNotReligionBkMSS.doc

(WallPaper) #1

of people and the world, they fail to understand that “God
is not served with human hands” (Acts 17:25) and their
attempts to help God out in problem-solving is not helpful.
Human helpfulness is not helpful from God’s perspective.
If it is not His activity, done His way by Him, then it is not
worth doing. In addition, problem-solving religion is
impatient in its desires to achieve its objectives. It wants to
perform, attack, assault, seize the day as it engages in its
agenda of activistic resolution. Waiting upon God and
allowing Him in His sovereignty to deal with life and the
world in His time and in His way can only be conceived as
passivistic acquiescence by those who view the Christian
purpose as problem-solving.
Christians have failed to understand the reality of the
“good news” they proclaim. Christianity is not a premise,
proposition, program or procedure to be applied to the
problems of the fallen world. What we have to share is not
a magic potion; an elixir that makes everything turn out
right. The gospel is not a panacea, a cure-all, a remedy for
all ills. It is not a “philosopher’s stone” that conjures up
some imaginary spiritual substance that will turn the base
metals of society into utopian gold, as the catholicon of the
world’s woes. The “good news” of Christianity is the living

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