Microsoft Word - ChristianityNotReligionBkMSS.doc

(WallPaper) #1

In the meantime we must recognize that the presence of
the Christian kingdom in the context of the fallen world of
evil, instead of solving all problems, creates a whole new
set of problems. The anomalous reality of kingdom-living
in the world exposes, subverts, and upsets the modus
operandi of the world-system. That is why Jesus warned
that His presence would bring the family dissension of
“brother against brother” (Matt. 10:35), and the conflict of
a “sword” (Matt. 10:35). Christian reality, being antithetical
to the world’s ways, creates but another insurmountable
problem for the world-order as it seeks to solve the world’s
We must not leave the impression that Christianity
necessarily advocates a passivistic acceptance of the status-
quo; that it is unconcerned about the world situation in a
retreat from cultural relevance. Nothing could be farther
from the truth. The love, mercy, and compassion of God in
the Christian seeks the highest good of suffering mankind.
Evangelism, social action, political involvement, relief
efforts are all legitimate, as long as we realistically realize
that we cannot and will not solve all the problems of the
world; and we will not produce a perfectionistic, problem-
free utopian existence here on earth. Misguided religious

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