Microsoft Word - ChristianityNotReligionBkMSS.doc

(WallPaper) #1

Christianity is not problem-solving! Christianity is
Christ! Christianity is the ontological dynamic of the divine
life of the risen Lord Jesus lived out in the active behavior
of receptive Christians, and that within the perplexities of a
plethora of personal, social, and world problems.
Christianity is Christ’s life lived out in Christians in every
context of clashing cultures, differing ideologies, and
pluralistic perspectives. Such manifestation of Christ’s life
(cf. II Cor. 4:10,11) may resolve some perceived problems
among men, but problem-solving is not the mission
objective of Christianity.
The teleological purpose of Christianity is not
utilitarian solutions to perceived problems, but receptivity
to the ontological character of God expressed in behavior
that glorifies God. We are “created for His glory” (Isa.
43:7). God does not give His glory to another (cf. Isa. 42:8;
48:11) in the form of accolades and “atta-boys” for the
results of man-made resolutions and transformations of the
world’s problems. God is glorified only as His all-glorious
character is lived out by the ontological dynamic of the
presence, person and power of Jesus Christ by His Spirit.
Our Christian responsibility is to be available and
receptive to what God in Christ wants to be and do in us.

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