Microsoft Word - ChristianityNotReligionBkMSS.doc

(WallPaper) #1

performance of problem-solving programs; the individual
freedom to be man as God intended man to be. Once again
Ellul so aptly notes:

“There are no clear, simple, universal, Christian solutions to all the
problems which arise. We can only put the problems as clearly as
possible and then, having given the believer all the weapons that
theology and piety can offer, say to him: ‘Now it is up to you to go
and find the answer, not intellectually, but by living out your faith
in this situation.’ There is no prefabricated solution nor universally
applicable model of Christian life. ...Freedom implies that each
Christian discovers for himself the style and form of his action.” 10

In the freedom of faithful receptivity, we the Christian
kingdom-community, individually and collectively, allow
for the radical and revolutionary life of Jesus Christ to be
incarnated and manifested in our mortal flesh (cf. II Cor.
4:10,11) by the Holy Spirit.
Problems will inevitably present themselves in the
midst of the fallen world-order (and perhaps intensify) until
the end of time. Christians should not expect to solve the
world’s problems. Living, as we do, in the enigma of the
interim between Christ’s “finished work” in the crucifixion
and resurrection, and the consummation of that victory
upon His return, the problems of the world may seem to be
overwhelming, but we live in the confident expectation of
hope that all will be resolved in the final casting out of evil

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