Microsoft Word - ChristianityNotReligionBkMSS.doc

(WallPaper) #1

a “believe-right religion” – an epistemological exercise in
developing a belief-system that aligns with correct
historical interpretation, orthodox theological formulation,
and accurate doctrines carefully worded in a creedal
“statement of faith.” The “believe-right religion” then
becomes a “do-right religion,” as moral standards and
ethical guidelines are formulated to correspond with the
ideological beliefs, and to enforce behavioral conformity
“in deed and word.”
It is time to recognize and assert, “Christianity is not an
ideological option.” Mankind is not faced with a multiple-
choice quiz wherein an individual must pick and choose
one of several ideas to the exclusion of all others, or “all of
the above” in an inclusive combination of belief tenets.
Though the human race is indeed confronted with a
plurality of ideological options competing for acceptance in
men’s minds, the Christian gospel is not one of those
ideological options. Conservative, fundamentalistic
Christian religion may project that Christianity is a superior
ideological option that excludes all other options as
inferior, fallacious and unbelievable, thus justifying their
attempts to conserve their own belief as the only viable
option of fundamental faith. Liberal and progressive

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