Microsoft Word - ChristianityNotReligionBkMSS.doc

(WallPaper) #1

oneness. When he acts He does what He does because He is
who He is. His Being is expressed in His activity, and His
activity is always expressive of His Being. He never acts
“out of character.” His actions are never detached from the
manifestation of who He is in Himself; they are never
static, disconnected actions separated or severed from the
expression of His Being. All that God has to give is a self-
giving of Himself – His Being in action. He does not reveal
or offer some “thing” about Himself. He cannot be thus
parted or sectioned. Nor does He extend some commodity
or product distinct from Himself. God reveals Himself and
acts in grace (John 1:17) by the power of the Spirit in His
Son, Jesus Christ. “No one knows who the Son is except
the Father, and who the Father is except the Son, and
anyone to whom the Son will to reveal Himself” (Lk.
10:22). The self-revelation of God in the Messianic Son
must always be understood in their essential oneness of
divine Being, as well as the integral unity of their Being
and action. God reveals Himself in the Son. He gives
Himself to man. Jesus Christ reveals the gospel in Himself.
He gives Himself to man as God.

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