Microsoft Word - ChristianityNotReligionBkMSS.doc

(WallPaper) #1

mankind at large, but when engaged in apart from the
outworking of Christ’s life, they remain disengaged from
the reality of Christianity.
A fragmented dualism also results when Jesus Christ is
not held in organic union with the Church, the Body of
Christ. Jesus is not the “Head of the Church” only in terms
of being an hierarchical head of an organizational
institution. Neither is He the “head” in the sense of being
the fountainhead and founder of a religion that bears His
name. His headship is not merely instrumental in the
establishment of a corporate ecclesiasticism that would
serve as the depository, conservatory and dispensary of
grace and truth, as if these could be dissected from the
divine action of God in Christ.
Protestantism is particularly guilty of the disassociative
dualism that transfers the expressive agency of the Word of
God from Jesus Christ (John 1:1,14) to the impersonalized
instruction of God in an inspired book. Engaging in the
biblicism of devotion to a canonical formulation, and
employing various forms of interpretation, Protestant
fundamentalists have developed a book-religion that often
deifies the book in Bibliolatry.

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