Microsoft Word - ChristianityNotReligionBkMSS.doc

(WallPaper) #1

The ontological essence of Jesus Christ collectively
embodied in all Christians comprises the Body of Christ,
the Church (Eph. 1:22,23; Col. 1:18,24). Not only is Christ
in us individually, but He is “in us” collectively (cf. I Cor.
3:16), and we are “in Him” together (cf. Eph. 1:13). “We
are all one in Christ Jesus” (Gal. 3:28), irrespective of race,
gender, age, nationality, education, intelligence, personality
patterns, doctrinal opinions, or denominational preferences.
Dietrich Bonhoeffer expressed the singular essence of the
Body “in Christ” in these words:

“The Church is the real presence of Christ. Once we have
realized this truth we are well on the way to recovering an aspect
of the Church’s being which has been sadly neglected in the past.
We should think of the Church not as an institution, but as a
person, though of course a person in a unique sense. 26
“Through his Spirit, the crucified and risen Lord exists as the
Church, as the new man. It is just as true to say that this Body is
the new humanity as to say that he is God incarnate dwelling in
eternity. 27
“The Church of Christ is the presence of Christ through the
Holy Spirit. In this way the life of the Body of Christ becomes our
own life. In Christ we no longer live our own lives, but he lives His
life in us. The life of the faithful in the Church is indeed the life of
Christ in them.” 28

Swiss author, Manfred Haller, also sees the singular
unity of Christ and the Church.

“Christ is the essence and nature of the church by the Holy
Spirit. He is her content, her structure, her fullness, and she is for
her part Christ’s fullness.” 29
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