Microsoft Word - ChristianityNotReligionBkMSS.doc

(WallPaper) #1

Me; and you are unwilling to come to Me, that you may
have life" (John 5:38-40). The scribal Pharisees "searched
the scriptures," they stalked the game, traced the tracks,
counted the syllables, but they could not fathom that the
Word of God, the Life of God, the Truth of God was in a
Person, rather than in written propositions or sentential
statements. They insisted on playing Torah-trivia games.
There was a perverse unwillingness to accept Jesus Christ
as the source of all life. Coming from their perspective of
book-religion, they could not accommodate into their
thinking, and would not receive Jesus Christ as the Living
Word of God. They chose to stick with their "picture-
book;" to peruse the catalogue rather than receiving that
which it pictured.
When Jesus came in the flesh, He did not come
teaching like the scribes, proscribing and prescribing from
written texts. He did not come imparting information for a
revised belief-system. He was not like the temple
theologians with their abstract theological theses. Jesus told
stories. He painted parabolic pictures of commonplace
phenomena. He knew that the living, dynamic expression
of God was in Himself and could not be contained in

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