Microsoft Word - ChristianityNotReligionBkMSS.doc

(WallPaper) #1

something visible instead of invisible, tangible instead of
intangible, physical instead of spiritual, concrete instead of
abstract, some "thing" instead of Some One, an object
instead of the Living God. These objects are then made into
idols. It is done with the Bible just as with other kinds of
objects. When this happens it is called "bibliolatry,"
idolatrous worship of the Bible. It can take the form of
merely an undue reverence for a leather-covered book. For
some, the book becomes a sort of magical fetish, a "good-
luck" charm, supposedly offering spirituality by osmosis.
Sometimes bibliolatry is evidenced in an excessive
literalistic method of interpretation that fails to account for
varying types of Biblical literature.
We must beware of regarding the Bible as a "sacred"
book, having some kind of saving significance in itself.
Even the title on the cover of most Bibles needs to be
clarified – "Holy Bible." Is the Holy Bible holy? Holiness
is an attribute of God alone. A created object is not holy in
itself and does not convey holiness. When an object is used
for the purpose that God intended then that object can serve
God's holy purposes. When it is set apart to function as
intended, it can serve the holy purposes of God directed
toward the divine objective to manifest His holiness by the

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