The English Language english language

(Michael S) #1

1 Introduction to the Linguistic Study of


key concepts

who these books are for

how to use these books

what these books are about

Language in education
Thinking critically about language
Standard English
Other reasons for studying and teaching about language
The organization of these books
Hints for success

who these books are for

This is the first of two books for teachers about the English language. We be-
lieve that all teachers, not just English teachers, share the responsibility for
helping students develop their abilities to speak, read, and write. Students
must learn to communicate appropriately about math, chemistry, history,
and every other school subject. Teaching students these skills necessarily ex-
tends across the curriculum. Thus, while one part of our intended audience
is English K-12 teachers, we have prepared this book and its companion
with teachers (and student teachers) from all disciplines in mind.

how to use these books

In these books, we use certain typographical marks to help you focus on key
points. Important terms are bolded. You can find their definitions in the
text and in the glossary. Examples are noted in italics or are separated from
the text.

what these books are about

These books are about language, but specifically about the English language

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