Delahunty and Garvey
one intensifier be modified by another.
(29) a. morer
b. mostest
c. more quite
d. most rather
e. very quite
f. rather very
In contrast, real degree adverbs (e.g., extremely and thoroughly) do allow
these possibilities.
(30) a. more extremely
b. quite extremely
c. very thoroughly
d. rather thoroughly
e. extremely thoroughly
We will thus refer to the members of this small class of words as intensifiers
rather than as adverbs.
The word conjunction indicates the major role of these words, namely,
to join (junction) together (con-) two or more grammatical elements called
conjuncts. The difference between coordinating and subordinating con-
junctions reflects the differing grammatical statuses of the conjuncts that
are united.
Coordinating conjunctions
The major one- and two-word coordinating conjunctions appear in Table
Single Word Coordinating Conjunctions: and, but, or
Minor or Marginal Coordinating Conjunctions: for, so, nor
Multi-word Coordinating Conjunctions (Correlative Conjunctions):
both...and; not only...but (also); either...or; whether...or; nei-
table 10: coordinating conjunctions