The English Language english language

(Michael S) #1

Delahunty and Garvey

noun phrase: phrase headed by a noun.
object: NP in VP required by transitive or bitransitive verb.
object of a preposition: a noun phrase required by a preposition in a prep-
ositional phrase.
participle: a verbal phrase whose first verb is Ven or Ving and which func-
tions as a pre- or post-modifier in an NP.
passive test: a test used to determine the object of an active clause by mak-
ing it passive.
phrase: a grammatical unit containing a head word and any complements
or modifies.
prepositional phrase: phrase headed by a preposition.
pro-sub test: a test used to identify a noun phrase by substituting a pro-
noun for it.
pro-verb phrase: a form such as do so that replaces a verb phrase.
topicalization test: a test used to determine whether a structure is a phrase
by moving it to the beginning of its sentence.
transitive: verb that requires a direct object.
verb phrase: a phrase headed by a verb.
verbal phrase: a non-finite verb phrase that functions in ways other than as
the predicate of a finite clause. See gerund, infinitive, participle.
wh-question test: a test to identify a noun phrase by replacing it with a
wh-question word and then recasting the sentence that contains it as a ques-
whiz-test: a test to identify a noun phrase with a head + postmodifier struc-
ture by inserting who or which plus a form of the verb be after the presumed
head word.

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