The English Language english language

(Michael S) #1

Delahunty and Garvey

Experiencer: the animate entity inwardly or psychologically affected by the
event or state.

(36) a. Henry knows all the answers.
b. We all feel the pain of loneliness occasionally.

Stimulus: the cause of an experiencer’s psychological state.

(37) a. Jack likes Turkey Giblets.
b. Alan is afraid of spiders.

Patient: the animate entity physically affected by the state or event.

(38) a. The speeding car struck Bill a glancing blow.
b. The surgeons operated on her for several hours.

Instrument: the object with which an act is accomplished. Instruments are
usually inanimate and lack their own potency:

(39) a. John opened the door with the crowbar.
b. The crowbar opened the door.

Recipient: the animate being who is the (intended) receiver of the referent of
the Theme.

(40) a. Some students give teachers gifts.
b. Teachers sometimes get gifts from their students.

Benefactive: the animate being affected (positively or negatively) by the occur-
rence denoted by the verb.

(41) a. I cut the grass for my grandmother.
b. I baked Sandy a birthday cake.

Effected/Factitive: the entity that comes into existence by virtue of the event
denoted by the clause.

(42) a. Frankenstein created a monster.
b. Those two wrote this book.

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