Posing Techniques for Glamour Photography

(sharon) #1

  1. The subject’s age.

  2. The subject’s financial ability.

Looking at item 1, experience tells me the subject is probably looking to
put some “spark” back in her marriage, to rekindle the fire. The comment
about her children tells me that she may have some stretch marks—perhaps
even support issues with her breasts. These are things I can easily deal
with, but we must also focus on her confidence in front of the camera.

Lauren strikes a pose that still allowed
me to crop the image above the knees.
Notice how the legs are positioned with
one up and one down, forming a side-
ways Z. The shadows created by the
lighting give a false appearance of the
torso forming a subtle S, while the arms,
legs, torso, shoulders, face, and neck
create many diagonal lines. (Camera:
Canon 5D;Lens:Canon 85mm F/1.2L,
USM lens, effective focal length at
85mm;ISO:100;Shutter speed:^1 / 125
Integra Pro Plus 500 monolight fitted
with a medium Chimera Soft Strip and a
Lighttools 40-degree honeycomb grid;
White balance:6000K)

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