Posing Techniques for Glamour Photography

(sharon) #1

A more classic implied nude is to place the model in the traditional
page-three profile pose, then have her place her hands on her knees so
that her upper arm hides the nipple area of the breasts while still leaving
the C-curve of the breast exposed.
There are infinite possibilities when it comes to creating implied nude
images. Essentially, you can treat implied nude sessions like fully clothed
shooting sessions—just remember to hide what the model wants hidden.
With this approach, you won’t be distracted by the nudity and the poses
will come naturally. Besides, most models already know what they are
looking for when they ask about taking an implied nude photograph. If the
idea of doing implied-nude shots arises spontaneously during a non-nude
glamour photography shoot, then ask the model to come up with her own
ideas. Most models are great at hiding what they don’t want shown with
natural poses.


LEFT—At Spratz Bay in the Virgin Islands,
I photographed Tess in a modified ver-
sion of the classic British tabloid page-
three pose. By having the model bend
her knees and follow her legs with her
arms, we were able to create a classic
implied nude. (Camera:Canon 5D;Lens:
Canon 70–200mm f/2.8L IS, USM lens,
effective focal length at 115mm;ISO:
100;Shutter speed:^1 / 200 second;Aper-
ture:f/7.1;White balance:6000K)
RIGHT—While shooting outdoors, I no-
ticed an old tool shed with this vertical
opening. Carolina was able to work her
way into the shed’s opening to create an
implied nude pose. (Camera: Nikon
F100;Lens:Nikon 85mm F/1.4;ISO:
100 slide film;Shutter speed:^1 / 125 sec-
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