Hair, 61–62, 117, 119
Hands, 12, 29, 34, 55–58
concealing problem areas with,
fingernails, 58
jewelry, 56
on hips, 56–57
props with, 55–56
side view, 55
Head, 23;see alsoEyes, Hair, Lips,
Headshots, 106–8
expression, 106–7
eyes, enhancing, 107–8
Heavy subjects, 29–30, 119
Hips, 29, 33, 44
angle of, 33
clothing and, 44
hands on hips, 56–57
heavy subjects, 29
Implied nude pose, 115–16
Jewelry, 49, 56
Juxtaposition, 105
Leading lines, 11
Legs, 11, 12, 14, 24, 26–27, 34,
37–43, 44, 72, 74
accent leg, 37–39
bare, 43
bending, 39
in seated poses, 72
in standing poses, 74
lengthening, 43
slimming, 39–42
support leg, 37–39
Lens selection, 87–88, 119
Lips, 64–66, 106–7, 118, 122
fullness, 118, 122
in headshots, 106–7
lipstick, 66
relaxed, 64
smiling, 64
uneven, 122
variations, 64
Lipstick, 66
Lying-down poses, 77–79
breasts in, 77
camera angle, 79
composition, 78–79
on hands and knees, 77–79
scene selection, 77
Makeup, 66, 68
eyes, 68
lipstick, 66
nail polish,seeManicureor
Manicure, 58, 117, 119–21
Models, 16–17, 102–3, 117–18;
see alsoSubjects
ideal qualities of, 117–18
objectives of, 102–3
on-line portfolio, 102
Motion, 90–92
Muscle tone, 45–46, 119
MySpace.com, 102
Navel, 46
Neck, 60–61
Nose, 63–64, 117, 119
line of cheek, breaking, 63
minimizing size of, 119
nostrils, 64
size, 63, 117
Page-three poses, 29, 72, 115
Pedicure, 44, 117, 119–21
Photojournalism techniques, 105
Picture story, 105
Pose, direction of, 88–90
cropping and, 88–90
natural, 88
Pose, type of, 29, 70–79, 106–16
backside, 112–14
bust-up, 109–11
full-length, 111–12
headshot, 106–8
implied nude, 115–16
lying-down, 77–79
page-three, 29, 72, 115
sitting, 70–72
standing, 72–77
three-quarter, 111
Props, 29–30, 55–56
Psychology of posing, 12–13
S curves,seeComposition
Self-esteem, model’s, 20–22, 24–26
Shoes, 44
Short subjects, 28–29, 117
Shoulders, 17, 23, 49–50, 83, 109
Sitting poses, 29, 70–72
enhancing legs, 72
on beds, 72
page-three poses, 29, 72
stomach area, hiding, 70–72
Standing poses, 72–77
raising a foot, 74
rear views, 75
S curves in, 74–75
Storytelling, 22, 97–103
Subjects, 16–29, 102–3, 117–22
comfort of, 23
evaluating, 26, 97–103
experience level of, 16–20
heavy, 29–30, 119
models, 16–17, 102–3, 117–18
non-models, 18–20
self-esteem of, 20–22, 24–26
short, 28–29, 117
tall, 27–28, 117
thin, 29
Tall subjects, 27–28, 117
Tan lines, 117, 121–22
Teeth, 66–67, 117–18, 122
Thighs, 33–37, 44
Thin subjects, 29
Three-quarter pose, 111
Toes, 43–44, 117, 119–21
pedicure, 44, 117, 119–21
pointing, 43–44
shoes, 44
Torso,seeAbdomen, Bust, Collar-
bones, Shoulders,orWaist
Waist, 33, 45;see alsoAbdomen