Posing Techniques for Glamour Photography

(sharon) #1
Playboy model Kelly used this unusual
chair to help create her pleasant pose. In
this type of pose, ask your model to arch
her back to help create a S-curve arch
along the body. (Camera:Canon 5D;
Lens:Canon 85mm f/1.2L, USM lens, ef-
fective focal length 85mm;ISO:100;
Shutter speed:^1 / 160 second;Aperture:
f/7.1; Lighting:1] To camera left, a
Hensel Integra Pro Plus 500 monolight
fitted with a medium Chimera Super Pro
Plus soft box and Lighttools 40-degree
grid as the main light, 2] To camera
right, a Hensel Integra Pro Plus 500
monolight fitted with a medium Chimera
Super Pro Plus Soft Strip box and a Light-
tools 40-degree grid for fill and accent
light;White balance:6000K)


Look for S Curves.I like to make my standing poses less rigid and
stiff by having the model stand next to something and slightly lean for-
ward. This accentuates the natural S curve formed by the breasts and but-
tocks, while still showing off her legs. For example, if I have a subject
standing next to a fence, I might ask her to back away a bit, then lean into
the fence. If I have a subject standing next to flowers, I might have her

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