Teaching Critical Thinking in Psychology: A Handbook of Best Practices

(ff) #1

Kevin J. Apple et al.


Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree

1 I think that I achieved this goal. 1—2—3—4—5

2 JMU’s psychology program provided 1—2—3—4—5

opportunities to achieve this goal.

3 In the space below, provide your rationale for your two ratings above. For example,

list the particular experiences that helped you achieve this goal, and offer any recom-

mendations to the department to improve our ability to help students meet this goal.

Author Notes

We thank Kara Makara and Shannon Willison for their help with data analyses. We also

thank Donna Sundre, Sue Lottridge, and Amy Thelk from the JMU Center for Assessment

and Research for their help with assessment data related to general education. We are also

grateful for Jane Halonen’s support on this project.

Address correspondence to Kevin J. Apple, Department of Psychology, MSC 7404, James

Madison University, Harrisonburg, VA 22807; e-mail: [email protected].

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