
(Steven Felgate) #1
Task 2 71

that it is safer to employ people who do not work for the same organisation. One night, one
of the security guards phones in to say that he will not be able to work for the rest of the
week, as he is ill. The company tells the other security guard that he must work single-handed
for the remainder of the week. The security guard manages to do this, although it involves a
certain amount of extra work. At the end of the week the company tells the security guard
who worked alone that he will be paid double wages for the week. Now the company has
changed its mind and pays the guard only his normal amount. Advise the security guard as
to whether or not he will be entitled to the extra amount promised.

6 With reference to decided cases, explain the difference between an offer and an invitation to
treat. Why does the distinction matter?

Task 2

A friend of yours, Rory, works as self-employed painter and decorator. Rory has heard that
materials can often be bought more cheaply at auction or by tender than from wholesalers.
Rory has asked you to write a brief report, indicating the following matters:

(a) The way in which a contract is made by the process of offer and acceptance.

(b) How an offer differs from an invitation to treat.

(c) How the offer and acceptance are made when goods are bought at auction.

(d) How the offer and acceptance are made when goods are bought by tender.

(e) The extent to which offers can be withdrawn after they have been made.

(f ) What is meant by an intention to create legal relations.

(g) What is meant by consideration.

(h) Whether all contracts can be made without the need for writing.

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