for printing to CMYK.
cropping Themethodofsinglingoutorhighlightingpart
of an image either in camera while shooting or by
removing unwantedaspectsin post production; used for
emphasis or to create a more meaningful image.
density Depth or opacity of an image.
depthoffield Thedistancebetweenthenearestandthe
furthest objects within a frame that appear to be in focus.
distortion Theappearanceofpulledandstretchededges
of an image which canoccur whena lens isused in a
particular way.
diffuser A piece of equipment used to soften the light.
digitalC-type Atrulyphotographicprint,exposedusing
using traditional silver-based chemistry.
digitalcolourproofs Proofscreateddirectlyfromdigital
artfiles ratherthan film,such as toner-based blackand
IRIS, thermal and inkjet prints.
diptych A series of two images placed together.
doubleexposure Aphotographic techniquecombining
two different images into a single photograph.