The Quantum Structure of Space and Time (293 pages)

(Marcin) #1
Mathematical Structures 125

the presence of the term proportional to chiral fermion masses, 7ZQ1, permits the
stabilization of moduli in Minkowski flux vacua.
Finally, we can also describe all non-supersymmetric flux vacua which minimize
the effective potential (6) by the corresponding attractor equation

F4 = 2Re [M3,Zfiq - FAD~04 + MQ1 DO1a4] - avfl,*yo (9)
We have presented the common features and differences in stabilization of moduli
near the black hole horizon and in flux vacua.
There is an apparent similarity between non-BPS extremal black holes with sta-
bilized moduli and the O’Raifeartaigh model of spontaneous supersymmetry break-
ing. In models of this type the system cannot decay to a supersymmetric ground

state since such a state does not exist, so the non-SUSY vacuum is stable. The same

is true of the non-BPS black hole ~ there is a choice of fluxes which leads to an

effective superpotential such that VBH does not admit a supersymmetric minimum

of the potential but does admit a non-supersymmetric one, see [12], [13]. It remains

a challenge to construct the analog of the stable non-BPS extremal black holes in

dS flux vacua.

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