Session 3
Singularit ies
Chair: Gary T. Horowitz, UCSB, USA
Rapporteur: Gary W. Gibbons, DAMPT, Cambridge, UK
Scientific secretary: Jan. Troost (Ecole Normale Supkrieure, Paris, France)
3.1 Rapporteur talk: Singularities, by Gary W. Gibbons
3.1.1 Introduction
Einstein’s General Relativity is incomplete because
0 It predicts that gravitational collapse , both at the Big Bang and inside black
holes, brings about spacetime singularities as at which the theory breaks down
0 It gives no account of ‘matter ’as opposed to geometry , and in particular the
nature of classical ‘particles ’
0 It is incompatible with quantum mechanics
I have been asked to review the first problem.
I will cover the following topics.
0 Singularity Theorems
0 Cosmic Censorship
0 Classical Boundary conditions and stabiity
0 Higher dimensional resolutions
0 Singularities at the end of Hawking Evaporation
0 Maldacena’s conjecture
3.1.2 Singularity Theorems
First discovered in Friedmann-Lemaitre models, it was shown by Roger Penrose [19]
that these arise if closed trapped surfaces occur during gravitational collapse and
work by Geroch , Hawking and Penrose [20] showed that as long as matter satisfies
various positive energy conditions, then spacetime singularities are inevitable