You Are Loved: Embracing the Everlasting Love God has for You

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lived a perfect life.

David wasn’t perfect, even though he was described as being
a man after God’s own heart. No, David was also an adulterer
and murderer.

Peter wasn’t perfect. Though he was zealous for Jesus, Peter
also denied knowing Jesus three times when he found himself
in a position where it might cost him something to associate
with Jesus.

Mary Magdalene wasn’t perfect. She was a woman with a

Martha wasn’t perfect, even though she wanted to be; she
was a perfectionist, who would rather work for Jesus than
spend time with Him.

David, Peter, Mary, Martha, and the list goes on—not one of
them was perfect. They were all flawed, yet God chose to love
them just as He chooses to love you in spite of your flaws. God
chose to use each of these people for His glory. The secret to
God’s working powerfully through you is not your abilities, but
God’s. It is His power working through you that makes all the
difference. We simply have to say yes to His call and daily
seek to walk with Him, not looking to the right or the left, but
keeping our eyes focused on Him. He will lead us. He will guide

This is the message of the gospel; it is the good news
everyone talks about. Regardless of your flaws, faults,
mistakes, and mishaps, God still loves you. That is what I want
to encourage you with today. Don’t be disappointed in
yourself. Just as children make mistakes as they are growing

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