Publics, Politics and Participation

(Wang) #1
Campos 249

Jewish people], settlers of Turkey [sic], will endeavor through
the freedoms given to us to bring closer all that is good and
useful for our homeland ... [Thanks to the freedom of the
press,] we will demand our rights from their hands and they
will know that there is an eye that sees and an ear that hears.^41

ndeed, subsequent “violations” or shortcomings of reform were I
depicted in the press, usually followed by calls for mobilization to the
powers that be, whether the Ottoman local officials or the imperial gov-
ernment via the Istanbul-based Chief Rabbi Haim Nahum. The persis-
tence of the Red Note,^42 unconstitutional bans on Ottoman Jews’ purchase
of land, and other issues were denounced in the Jewish press as evidence
of the shortcomings of Ottomanism. Within a few months of the revolu-
tion, the press was documenting abuses and persistent elements of the
ancien régime.
n the fall of 1909, a stinging critique was published in I ha-Herut,
entitled “Such is Brotherhood and Equality,” complaining about elements
of discrimination against Jews as well as demanding full equality as prom-
ised by the new order:

Everyone says to give it time and our situation will improve.
Enough! A year and a half have passed from the giving of
equality to all the peoples without difference in religion or
race. Fifteen months since the words freedom, equality and
brotherhood had high hopes, but every good change passes us
byur situation gets worse by the day, just because we are... o
‘Jews.’ Jewish honor is defiled by the Red Note. Muslims take
revenge on Jews by saying they insulted the Islamic religion.
Jews cannot climb up the stairs to the Cave of the Patriarchs.
Jews are beaten every day by the public and police... Why
don’t we raise our voices and demand a lawsuit? If we are good
enough to pay taxes and burdens, go to the army and spill our
blood for our homeland, then we should also enjoy the rights
of the government. Then the police will have to defend our lives
and property like that of the other citizens without difference to
religion and race. We must stand against the masses that harm
and accuse us. Jews beaten in jail—we should press charges.
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