Publics, Politics and Participation

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10.hilippe Lucas, “Après la citoyenneté les multi-citoyennetés,” P Cahiers inter-
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and Identity (London and New York: Routledge, 2000), 107.
14.aniel Dayan, “The Peculiar Public of Television,” D Media, Culture and
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15.nne Querrien, “Un art des centres et des banlieues,” A Hermès 10 (1991):
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le peuple: l’espace public en question,” Anthropologie et sociétés 20, no. 2
(1996): 129–155., for example, Djamel Cheridi, “Les espaces urbains de sociabilité,” S
doctoral thesis, Université de Paris VII, 1995; Lofti Madani, “Modalités et
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18.ctober 1988 is a key moment in Algerian political life. Massive riots pro- O
testing against a two-tiered society, injustice and growing poverty were fol-
lowed by a new constitution (1989) that established the freedom of associa-
tion and allowed multiparty activity.
19.ohamed Hocine Benkheira, “Ivrognerie, religiosité et sport dans une ville M
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no. 1 (1985): 131–151 (144). Mustafa al-Ahnaf, Bernard Botiveau and Franck Frégosi, S L’Algérie par
ses lslamistes (Paris: Karthala, 1991), 237. The FIS was uncritical because
of the formidable reach of satellite. In the 1980s, the Internet was marginal

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