Life Skills and Leadership Manual - Peace Corps

(Michael S) #1
Life Skills & Leadership: Unit 2, Session 2: Positive Communication | Page 31 of 127

Handout 4: I Statement Practice

Read each situation. Decide what the problem is and what your feelings might be. Then write an “I

  1. Suppose a neighbor had promised to help take care of a garden you share but never did any work.

The problem: Your feelings:

I Statement:


I feel.

I would like. OK?

  1. Suppose a friend of yours stopped a boy from teasing and bullying a small child.

The problem: Your feelings:

I Statement:


I feel.

I would like. OK?

  1. Suppose your mother had said you could go out with friends but later said you had to stay home and take care of
    your younger sister.

The problem: Your feelings:

I Statement:


I feel.

I would like. OK?

  1. Suppose your brother or sister told another person to stop kicking a dog.

The problem: Your feelings:
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