Life Skills and Leadership Manual - Peace Corps

(Michael S) #1
Life Skills & Leadership: Unit 1, Session 1: Me and My Assets | Page 2 of 93

Session 1: Me and My Assets

Date: Time: 105 minutes Facilitator(s):

Facilitator preparation:

  1. Gather items in equipment list.

  2. Prepare appropriate number of handouts for participants.

  3. Decide how you’ll introduce yourself in Motivation A-3.

Note to facilitator: Handout 1: Becoming Resilient is similar to Trainer Material 1: 40 Developmental Assets. The
handout is intended to be more accessible for teens and young adults. Trainer Material 1 is intended as
additional information for facilitators.



  1. Ball or other object suitable for tossing

  2. Pens or pencils

  3. Poster board or large heavy paper

  4. Art supplies such as markers, colored pencils, crayons, and/or paints and brushes, glue or tape, pictures
    from magazines or calendars, etc.
    Handout 1: Becoming Resilient (one per participant)
    Trainer Material
    Trainer Material 1: 40 Developmental Assets
    Trainer Material 2: Flip charts

Learning Objective(s):

  1. After recalling a personal success and making a self-assessment, participants will list at least four personal
    strengths, or internal assets, and at least two assets they would like to develop more.

  2. Working with a partner, participants will identify and share with the group at least three personal strengths
    and assets from an abbreviated list of the 40 Developmental Assets.

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