Life Skills & Leadership: Unit 3, Session 2: SMART Goals | Page 16 of 67
Session 2: Team Leadership
Date: Time: 120 minutes Facilitator(s):
Facilitator preparation:
Practice making and looking through the tube for the Motivation activity “Telescope” so you have
a feel for what types of objects to look at in order to experience the desired effect of this activity.
Make at least two copies of Handout 2 for each participant.
Decide which example you will use in Practice Section, Step A.2. Use Example 1 in the text for Handout 3:
My Surprising Future; or, the example Trainer Material 1: Story Example 2. Or, you can write your own
Note to facilitator: This session builds on the prerequisite session “Goal Setting: The Basics” by teaching participants to
be more specific about their personal goals.
- Flip chart paper, markers or crayons
- Old newspapers, tape
Prepared flip charts
Flip chart 1: Writing a Goal
Handout 1: SMART Goals
Handout 2: A Recipe for SMART Goals
Handout 3: My Surprising Future
Trainer materials
Trainer Material 1: Story Example 2
Note: Handout 3: My Surprising Future has three lines with the words “because of that,” which extends the story. Give
participants the freedom to use more or fewer of these lines as needed. The “because of that” prompts are designed to
help participants identify smaller action steps that they might need to take when making plans later. The final line,
“From now on, I will always ... ” may also be omitted.
Learning Objectives:
Working in small groups, participants will describe goals that are specific, measurable, achievable,
realistic, and time-bound
Working individually, participants will write a futuristic story that describes their vision of their
lives in the future, and three concrete steps they took to accomplish their vision.
Working individually and then with a partner, participants will write at least one short-term and
one long-term goal, including something they want to accomplish or learn.