Life Skills and Leadership Manual - Peace Corps

(Michael S) #1
Life Skills & Leadership: Unit 1, Session 1: Me and My Assets | Page 10 of 93

Handout 1: Becoming Resilient

Everyone goes through rough times and difficult situations. Most people survive these difficult situations.
They are like strong trees that bend and sway in the wind rather than break. Resilience is the ability to spring
back after something bad happens and to move forward successfully. You have many assets and strengths that
enable you to be resilient. You have used many of them already to accomplish good things. Use the following
code to mark your own assets:

X = Asset I have; XX = Asset I have that is strong;  = Asset that I want to develop or strengthen

Strengths and Assets for Resilience

 I Know Adults Who Can Help
For example: Parents and adults who support me; good communication in my family

 I Can Make Decisions and Follow Up on Them
For example: People see me as someone who can be helpful

 I Know my Limits and Expectations
For example: I know the rules in my family, school, and neighborhood; my friends and adults have high
standards and expect positive things from me

 I Use Time Productively
For example: Involvement in youth programs, creative activities, or a spiritual community

 I Think Learning is Important
For example: Commitment to learning at school; finding ways to improve myself

 I Have High Standards and Principles
For example: Believing in such things as social justice, honesty, or being responsible that help create a
positive community

 I Can Interact Effectively with Others
For example: Resolving conflicts peacefully; communicating positively in emotional situations; planning
and making priorities

 I Feel Good about Myself and My Future
For example: Confidence in myself; pride in my work; meaning in my life; hope for my future
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