Life Skills & Leadership: Unit 3, Session 3: Steps for Action | Page 31 of 67
Session 3: Steps for Action
Date: Time: 120 minutes Facilitator(s):
Facilitator preparation:
- Prepare Flip charts 1 and 2 using as much detail on Flip chart 2 as you wish.
- Flip chart paper, markers or crayons
- Paper
- Pens or pencils
- Markers or crayons
Prepared flip charts
Flip chart 1: Road Map 1 (little detail)
Flip chart 2: Road Map 2 (much detail)
Flip chart 3: My Dream (from Unit 3, Session 1, “Goal Setting, the Basics”)
Flip chart 4: Problem-Solving Steps (from Unit 2, Session 6, “Solving Problems”)
Handout 1: My Target Goal
Handout 2: My Plan of Action
Trainer materials
Trainer Material 1: Target Goal: Short-Term Example
Trainer Material 2: Target Goal: Long-Term Example
Learning Objectives:
Working with a partner, participants will define at least one short- and long-term goal related to
their dreams and discuss advantages and disadvantages of setting goals for their lives
Working individually, participants will use a template to structure an action plan that (a) describes
their goals, (b) assets they have to help them achieve the goals, (c) assets they need to achieve
them, (d) how they will get those assets, (e) and how they will measure the achievement of each