Life Skills & Leadership: Unit 3, Session 3: Steps for Action | Page 38 of 67
- After three minutes, ask participants to record any new ideas. Then have them mix again silently.
When they have mixed, say:
“Stop, turn to a person nearby whom you have not met with yet. This time, talk about how you will
know you have been successful (Box 7). As before, listen for ideas from your partner and write them
on your action plan.”
- When participants have had a chance to record their measures of success, ask them to sit down and
lead a wrap-up discussion with the following questions:
With all that you do now and all that you have accomplished in the past, what has made you
successful? What has enabled you to stay strong?
Which of your assets or strategies can you count on using in the future?
What gives you the most hope that you will be able to reach your target goal?
What are some of the ways you’ll know you have achieved your goal?
Note: These questions are meant to reflect a strength-based perspective that acknowledges the skills and resources (both
internal and external) that participants have already used. By drawing attention to those resources now, the facilitator can
reinforce strategies of resilience and productivity that participants may not realize they are already using.
Note: The completion of Handout 1: My Target with a long-term goal is a partial assessment of Learning Objective 1.
Note: Completing Handout 2: My Plan of Action and the discussion for “My Target” (continued) serve as an assessment of
Learning Objective 2.
B. Summary
Conclude the activity by saying:
“Some goals, whether short or long term, may seem difficult to achieve. But if we can focus on a few
specific changes, like what to learn or who can help, we can make progress toward our goal. Recording
all this in an Action Plan gives us a handy reminder of what we wanted to achieve and how we can get
V. Assessment ( 20 minutes)
Paper, pens or pencils
A. Rap It Up!
Participants summarize what they have learned about goal setting and action planning.
- Divide participants into groups of four to six and remind them of what they have learned in Unit 3. Say:
“We’ve learned about the basics of setting goals by beginning with a dream. We’ve also learned
specific ways to make sure we accomplish goals by making them SMART. In addition, we’ve learned