Life Skills & Leadership: Unit 4, Session 2: Team Leadership | Page 22 of 91
What was done to help you and your group become a team? (Possible answers: Choosing a name
for our team. Writing our team name on our envelope. Shouting out our team name.)
What are the advantages of being a team? (Possible answers: It’s more fun. You are part of
something bigger – a bigger goal. You can use the best skills and knowledge of many different
What are the disadvantages of being a team? (Possible answers: You tend to compete with
other teams – even when it may not be helpful. You may not look outside your team for
resources or help. Sometimes it might take longer to do the task.)
What are the advantages of working on a team that has a lot of different people who have
different knowledge and skills? (Possible answers: You can do more. Like having more puzzle
pieces, you have more ideas.)
Note: The last three discussion questions of “A Puzzling Problem” are an assessment of Learning Objective 1.
B. Summary
Summarize by saying:
“This activity was an example of how individuals in a group can play important roles even if they do not
have the title of ‘leader.’ Each of you had your own puzzle piece(s) that only you could use. This is like
the specific skills and abilities that you have as an individual. No one can use them for you; you have to
use them yourself. Other people don’t always know what skills you have to offer. You know yourself
what you can contribute so you also know best when to make your contribution.
“Good leaders can do a lot but they cannot do everything. They need followers who are smart enough,
or comfortable enough, to know when and how to use their skills and talents for the group.”
III. Practice ( 20 minutes)
Flip chart 1: Leadership Actions
Flip chart, markers or crayons
Handout 1: I am a Leader
A. Remember When
Participants identify their own leadership qualities and team membership roles.
- Show Flip chart 1: Leadership Actions and say:
“In the last activity, a leader may have stepped forward to help your team. In other teams this may not
have happened. Either way, we talked about how your group was able to be successful. In that
discussion, you identified some of the things that people did that helped your team to be successful. I
have many of those things listed on this flip chart. Are there any I have forgotten?
(Pause to let people make additions to the list.)