Life Skills & Leadership: Unit 1, Session 4: Choosing Positive Values | Page 42 of 93
Session 4: Choosing Positive Values
Date: Time: 120 minutes Facilitator(s):
Facilitator preparation:
Prepare small papers for “What’s Most Valuable?”
Personal posters made in the Assessment section “My Life as Art” of Session 2
Note: The personal posters made by participants in the Assessment section should be saved by the facilitator.
Participants will add to them in the Application section of Session 5, and in the Assessment section of Session 7.
- Paper, pens or pencils
- Five small pieces of paper for each participant (index cards or plain paper cut into fourths)
- Art supplies such as markers, crayons, magazine pictures, glue, tape
Prepared flip charts
Flip chart 1: Community activities and messages
Flip chart 2: Interview Questions
Handout 1: List of Values
Trainer materials
Trainer Material 1: (None)
Learning Objective(s):
After analysis of activities in their community, participants will define at least two positive values
and identify at least two important sources of positive values linked to their culture.
Working individually and in small groups, participants will identify at least two cultural values
important in their community and describe how cultural values are acquired and how they affect
their personal values.
After a forced choice activity, participants will identify at least two guiding principles for how they
want to live and who they want to be.