Life Skills & Leadership: Unit 1, Session 5: Understanding Mental Models | Page 62 of 93
a question that is a suitable interpretation of what the visitor has asked.) Invite participants to answer
the question.
- Continue in this manner of having the visitor ask nonsensical questions and having participants
translate the questions and answer them. If participants are unable to think of questions, be prepared
to select from the following list:
Why is it important to know what your mental models are? (Possible answer: mental models
influence our thinking and actions in ways we don’t always realize)
What are two of your guiding principles or values for your life?
What are some of the ways you have learned your values? (Possible answers: from parents,
elders, teachers, community)
What are some factors that have influenced the formation of your values? (Possible answers:
gender, age, family situation, culture)
Note: The questions in “Visitor from Another Planet” serve as an assessment of Learning Objectives 1 and 2.
B. Summary
Conclude by saying:
“Thank you for sharing your insights and the important things you have learned with our
distinguished guest! I hope this conversation has reinforced your understanding of the ways our
values have been shaped and influenced, as well as the ways that our mental models continue to
affect the way we view and understand the world around us. This will be important to keep in mind
because next time we’ll learn about how our emotions also shape the way we view the world.”
The activity “Draw a Hand” was inspired by
Thiagarajan, Sivasailam and Tracy Tagliati. Jolts! Activities to Wake Up and Engage Your Participants. San
Francisco: John Wiley & Sons, 2011.
The activity “Visitor from Another Planet” was inspired by
Koppett, Kat. Training to Imagine. Sterling, Virginia: Stylus Publishing, 2001.
For additional ideas of active learning strategies:
Thiagarajan, Sivasailam and Raja Thiagarajan. Design Your Own Games and Activities. San Francisco: John
Wiley & Sons, 2003.
Facilitator Notes for Future Improvement
Date & Facilitator Name: [What went well? What would you do differently? Did you need more/less time for certain