
(Chris Devlin) #1

222 Magnetic trapping, evaporative cooling and Bose–Einstein condensation

Pinch coils Ioffe coils

Compensation coils

Fig. 10.3An Ioffe–Pritchard magnetic trap. The fields produced by the various coils are explained in more detail in the text
and the following figures. This Ioffe trap is loaded with atoms that have been laser cooled in the way shown in Fig. 10.5.
(Figure courtesy of Dr Kai Dieckmann.)

Fig. 10.4The pinch coils have currents
in the same direction and create a mag-
netic field along thez-axis with a min-
imum midway between them, atz=0.
This leads to a potential well for atoms
in low-field-seeking states along this ax-
ial direction. By symmetry, these co-
axial coils with currents in the same di-
rection give no gradient atz=0.

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