The Language of Argument

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cH A Pt eR 5 ■ D e e p A n a l y s i s


(^1) CQ Transcripts Wire, Tuesday, October 9, 2007,
(^2) LexisNexis™ Academic, Copyright 2004 Federal News Service, Inc.
(^3) Robert Redford, “A Piece of ‘God’s Handiwork’,” The Washington Post, November 25, 1997,
(^4) CQ Transcripts Wire, Tuesday, October 9, 2007,
(^5) We assess inductive arguments for strength instead of validity, but here we focus on deductive
arguments. Inductive arguments will be examined in Part III, Chapters 8–12.
(^6) Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart, Concurring Opinion, Furman v. Georgia, 408 U.S. 239 at
309–310 [1972].
(^7) Stan Smith, Five-Minute Whodunits (New York: Sterling, 1997).
“Keep going,” chuckled Stanwick. “It’s wonderful.”
“A hog for useless facts, eh? No one who eats at Joe’s wears a monogrammed
jacket. The Owls elect a new leader every six months, the Hawks every year.
Elections! Furthermore, everyone who hangs out on Laraby Street collects
green matchbooks. Finally, the older (but not wiser) Owls buy beer at Johnny’s
Package Store.”
Stanwick laughed heartily. “Lewis Carroll,” he said, “the author of Symbolic
Logic and the ‘Alice in Wonderland’ books, taught logic at Oxford, and he
used to construct soriteses, or polysyllogisms [that is, chains of categorical
syllogisms], out of material like that. In fact, his were longer and much wilder
and more intricate, but of course they were fiction.
“As it is, the information you’ve cited should ease your worries. Those
gangs won’t get together to fight until at least Saturday.”
How does he know?
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