The Language of Argument

(singke) #1
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C H A P T E R 6 ■ P r o p o s i t i o n a l L o g i c

The proposition “The night is young, and you’re so beautiful” is a substitution
instance of which of the following propositional forms?

  1. p 5. p & q & r

  2. q 6. p & p

  3. p & q 7. p or q

  4. p & r

Exercise I

Which of the following propositions is a substitution instance of “p & q & q”?

  1. The night is young, and you’re so beautiful, and my flight leaves in thirty

  2. The night is young, and you’re so beautiful, and my flight leaves in thirty
    minutes, and my flight leaves in thirty minutes.

  3. You’re so beautiful, and you’re so beautiful, and you’re so beautiful.

Exercise II

For each of the following propositions, give three different propositional forms
of which that proposition is a substitution instance.

  1. The night is young, and you’re so beautiful, and my flight leaves in thirty

  2. The night is young, and you’re so beautiful, and you’re so beautiful.

Exercise III

Indicate whether each of the following sentences expresses a propositional
conjunction or a nonpropositional conjunction—that is, whether or not it
expresses a conjunction of two propositions. If the sentence could be either,
then specify a context in which it would naturally be used to express a
propositional conjunction and a different context in which it would naturally
be used to express a nonpropositional conjunction.

  1. A Catholic priest married John and Mary.

  2. Fred had pie and ice cream for dessert.

  3. The winning presidential candidate rarely loses both New York and California.

Exercise IV

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