The Language of Argument

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C H A P T E R 6 ■ P r o p o s i t i o n a l L o g i c

The first two columns give all the combinations for the truth values of the
propositions that we might substitute for “p” and “q.” The third column
gives the truth value of the premise for each of these combinations. (This
column is the same as the definition for “&” given above.) Finally, the fourth
column gives the truth value for the conclusion for each combination. (Here,
of course, this merely involves repeating the first column. Later on, things
will become more complicated and interesting.) If we look at this truth table,
we see that no matter how we make substitutions for the variables, we never
have a case in which the premise is true and the conclusion is false. In the
first line, the premise is true and the conclusion is also true. In the remaining
three lines, the premise is not true, so the possibility of the premise being
true and the conclusion false does not arise.
Here it is important to remember that a valid argument can have false
premises, for one proposition can follow from another proposition that is
false. Of course, an argument that is sound cannot have a false premise,
because a sound argument is defined as a valid argument with true premises.
But our subject here is validity, not soundness.
Let’s summarize this discussion. In the case we have examined, validity
depends on the form of an argument and not on its particular content. A first
principle, then, is this:
An argument is valid if it is an instance of a valid argument form.
Hence, the argument “Harry is short and John is tall; therefore, Harry is
short” is valid because it is an instance of the valid argument form “p & q;
∴ p.”
Next we must ask what makes an argument form valid. The answer to
this is given in this principle:

An argument form is valid if and only if it has no substitution instances
in which the premises are true and the conclusion is false.
We have just seen that the argument form “p & q; ∴ p” passes this test. The
truth table analysis showed that. Incidentally, we can use the same truth
table to show that the following argument is valid:
John is tall. p
Harry is short. q
∴ John is tall and Harry is short. ∴ p & q
The argument on the left is a substitution instance of the argument form on
the right. A glance at the truth table will show that there can be no cases for
which all the premises could be true and the conclusion false. This pretty
well covers the logical properties of conjunction.
Notice that we have not said that every argument that is valid is so in
virtue of its form. There may be arguments in which the conclusion follows
from the premises but we cannot show how the argument’s validity is a

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