The Language of Argument

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C H A P T E R 6 ■ P r o p o s i t i o n a l L o g i c

with “It is not the case that... .” For example, “I did none of the homework”
would be reformulated as “It is not the case that I did any of the homework.”
If the resulting sentence means the same as the original (as it does in this
example), then the original sentence can be symbolized as a propositional
negation. In contrast, “I promise not to leave you” means something very
different from “It is not the case that I promise to leave you,” so “I promise
not to leave you” should not be symbolized as a propositional negation.
Unfortunately, this test will not always work. There is no completely
mechanical procedure for determining whether an English sentence can be
symbolized as a negation. All you can do is think carefully about the sen-
tence’s meaning and context. The best way to get good at this is to practice.

Explain the differences in meaning among “Not everyone loves running,”
“Everyone does not love running,” “Everyone loves not running,” and
“Everyone loves running—not!” For each, is it a negation of “Everyone loves
running”? Why or why not?

Exercise VII

Negative terms or prefixes can often be interpreted in more than one way.
Explain two ways to interpret each of the following sentences. Describe a
context in which it would be natural to interpret it in each way.

  1. You may not go to the meeting.

  2. I cannot recommend him too highly.

  3. He never thought he’d go to the Himalayas.

  4. Have you not done all of your homework?

  5. All of his friends are not students.

  6. I will not go to some football games next season.

  7. No smoking section available.

  8. The lock on his locker was unlockable.

Exercise VIII

Put each of the following sentences in symbolic form. Be sure to specify exactly
which sentence is represented by each capital letter, and pay special attention
to the placement of the negation. If the sentence could be interpreted in more

Exercise IX

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