The Language of Argument

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C H A P T E R 6 ■ P r o p o s i t i o n a l L o g i c

truth-functionally equivalent, then it does not matter which one we use in
testing for validity. Of course, some translations will seem more natural than
others. For example, “p ∨ q” is truth-functionally equivalent to
~((~p & ~p) & (~q ∨ ~q))
Despite this equivalence, the first form of expression is obviously more
natural than the second when translating sentences, such as “It is either
cloudy or sunny.”

Use truth tables to test which of the following propositional forms are truth-
functionally equivalent to each other:

  1. ~(p ∨ q)

  2. ~(~p ∨ ~q)

  3. ~p & ~q

  4. p & q

Exercise XVIII

Use truth tables to determine whether the expressions in each of the following
pairs are truth-functionally equivalent:

  1. “p” and “p & p”

  2. “p” and “p ∨ p”

  3. “p ∨ ~p” and “~(p & ~p)”

  4. “p” and “p & (q ∨ ~q)”

  5. “p” and “p & (q & ~q)”

  6. “p” and “p ∨ (q & ~q)”

  7. “p & (q ∨ r)” and “p ∨ (q & r)”

  8. “p & (q & r)” and “(p & q) & r”
    9. “~(p ∨ q)” and “~p ∨ q”
    10. “~(p ∨ q)” and “~p & ~q”
    11. “(p ∨ q)” and “p & ~~q”
    12. “~(p & q)” and “~p ∨ q”
    13. “(p & q)” and “p ∨ ~~q”
    14. “~~p n ~~q” and “~(~p & ~q)”
    15. “~~p & ~~q” and “~(~p ∨ ~q)”
    16. “p & q” and “p & q”

Exercise XIX


So far in this chapter we have seen that by using conjunction, disjunction,
and negation, it is possible to construct compound propositions out of simple
propositions. A distinctive feature of compound propositions constructed in
these three ways is that the truth of the compound proposition is always
a function of the truth of its component propositions. Thus, these three
notions allow us to construct truth-functionally compound propositions.
Some arguments depend for their validity simply on these truth-functional

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