The Language of Argument

(singke) #1
5 7

E v a l u a t i v e L a n g u a g e

For each of the following sentences, construct two others—one that reverses
the evaluative force, and one that is as neutral as possible. The symbol “0”
stands for neutral, “ 1 ” for positive evaluative force, and “ 2 ” for negative
evaluative force. Try to make as little change as possible in the descriptive
content of the sentence.
Example: 2 Professor Conrad is rude.
1 Professor Conrad is uncompromisingly honest in his criticisms.
0 Professor Conrad often upsets people with his criticisms.

  1. 2 Larry is a lazy lout. 6. 2 Walter is a weenie.

  2. 1 Brenda is brave. 7. 1 Carol is caring.

  3. 2 Sally is a snob. 8. 2 Bill is bossy.

  4. 1 Bartlett is a blast. 9. 2 Oprah is opinionated

  5. 2 George is a goody-goody 10. 2 This is a Mickey Mouse

Exercise VII

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