The Language of Argument

(singke) #1
6 9

A n E x t e n d e d E x a m p l e

mathematical monstrosity
an absurdity
There is also a dash of irony in the remark that five times three might total
the same as three times five everywhere else in the world, but not in figuring
clerk hire in the House. Remember, there is nothing wrong with using nega-
tive evaluative and expressive terms if they are deserved. Looking at the
nine-step formula in Kyl’s speech, you can decide for yourself whether he is
on strong grounds in using this negative language.

Now, Mr. Speaker, I have planned to introduce an amend-
ment or a substitute which would grant additional clerk hire
where there is a demonstrable need based on heavier than
average population or “election at large” and possible other

a. This passage discounts any suggestion that Kyl is unaware that a genu-
ine problem does exist in some districts. It also indicates that he is willing to
do something about it.
b. The phrase “and possible other factors” is not very important, but it
seems to be included to anticipate other reasons for clerk hire that should at
least be considered.

But after becoming involved in this mathematical maze I
realize the folly of proceeding one step until we have cor-
rected this situation.

a. Here Kyl clearly states his reason for saying that the measure is un-
timely. Notice that the reason offered has been well documented and is not
hedged in by qualifications.
b. The phrases “mathematical maze” and “folly” are again negatively

We can offer all kinds of excuses for avoiding a solution.
We cannot offer reasonable arguments that it should not be
done or that it cannot be done.

Notice that the first sentence ridicules the opponents’ arguments by calling
them excuses, a term with negative connotations. The second sentence gives
assurances that such a solution can be found.

Someone has suggested that the Members of this great body
prefer to keep the present program because someone back
in the home district might object to the gross figures. I know
this is not so. When a Representative is busy on minimum








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