Best Digital Marketing Campaigns in the World

(singke) #1
Lost in Space 143

IBM’s multi-faceted Lost in Space campaign introduced an often absent
human element to this business-to-business digital campaign.

The campaign is no longer running and unfortunately the live ‘landing page’
experience is no longer available online. You can view a video overview of the
campaign here:

Links to campaign creative

Nick Suckley, Co-founder agenda21
Most IT communication is bland and it’s difficult to engage IT managers at the
best of times so it’s nice to see campaigns like IBM’s Lost in Space standing out
with a more human feel to it. The creation of a character who is lost in space is
simple and compelling and distributing via e-mail makes sense as IT managers
use e-mail as a source of information. The campaign also moved into social
media but it felt like a token gesture to me. Interaction rates were strong but
overall numbers felt small. However, in this market a small number of sales
could yield many licences, so overall, a nice idea well executed.

An expert view

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