Best Digital Marketing Campaigns in the World

(singke) #1
Index 207

Nicol, B 61–62 see also Pizza Hut
Nintendo Wario Land ‘Shake It’
game 91–95, 94 , 192
‘No Worries’ message 125–26
N97 phone/Online as it Happens
campaign 147–50
Ovi Store 148–49

Obama, President 168, 181–85,
191, 192
Ogilvy/Ogilvy New York 140–41,
144, 145
Online as it Happens (Nokia
campaign) 147–50
Online Measurement (UKOM)
company 14, 15

Pampero Fundaçion 152
Pampero Rum 151–55, 192
and the Ephemeral
Museum 151–54
Papervision 114, 115
3D Flash plug-in 98–99
Paramount and Star Trek 113–18
Paterson, C 54 (BBC News) 54
Pepsi 157–62, 193
Makes Your Day
campaign 157–62
market share of 157, 160–61
Persson, T (Great Works) 89
Pizza Hut 59–64, 191
PR 106, 109, 141
online 23
and Taylor Herring 106

Reitman, J 7
Smartphone Shopping Behaviour
Report (PriceGrabber.
com) 18
research (on)
future of agencies (Forrester
Research) 195–96
impact of technology/digital
marketing on advertisers
and agencies 196
results for
12 cams create your
rainbow 164
Absolut Vodka – in an Absolut
world 88
Barack Obama’s 2008
presidential campaign 183
Barnado’s Break the Cycle
campaign 177
Dockers ‘Pants Dance’ 26
Doritos Hotel 626 39–40
Foster’s Shadow/Virtual Shadow
Napping campaigns 121
IBM’s Lost in Space 141–42
Lynx Primal Instinct 47–49
Malaria No More: World Malaria
Day 168–69
and high-profile celebrity
tweets 169
Mercedes Benz smart fortwo
car 35
Nintendo Wario Land ‘Shake It’
game 92
and objectives: Pizza Hut iPhone
application 61–62
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