Best Digital Marketing Campaigns in the World

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46 The Best Digital Marketing Campaigns in the World

Target audience

Lynx’s core audience is males aged between 14 and 21, who are already
familiar with the brand’s famous promise: ‘Lynx – helps you in the mating
game’. The mating game is, of course, as popular as ever with Australia’s
young males, but the way people play that age-old game has evolved. To
connect with them effectively, Lynx’s strategy needed to evolve too.

Market research demonstrated that the target demographic were also
passionate gamers and extremely social online users:

●●97 per cent of teens aged 12–17 play computer, web, portable or console
games; 50 per cent played games ‘yesterday’.
●●73 per cent play games on a desktop or a laptop computer.
●●More than 75 per cent of the core demographic within Australia are on
●●Almost 100 per cent of the target audience contact each other each day
by way of a social setwork platform.


To launch the new body spray Lynx Instinct, the brand engaged Soap Crea-
tive, a leading digital agency in Australia.

The strategy the agency developed was inspired by the name of the new
spray, ‘Instinct’, and set out to bring out the caveman in young males across
Australia. On the surface that may not sound like that much of a challenge,
until you consider the target species’ nomadic nature. Young Aussie males
move around a lot online, so Soap decided that the best approach was instead
of waiting for the audience to come to them, to take engagement out to the
audience. It set about creating a campaign designed to reach out and connect
with young men in their natural online habitats: Myspace, Facebook and
YouTube, computer games, men’s magazine websites and cinemas. Soap
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