Best Digital Marketing Campaigns in the World

(singke) #1
The Spoonful 85

Wolfgang Hofmann

Wolfgang Hofmann, Associate Creative Director, Biggs|Gilmore.

Wolfgang Hofmann joined Biggs|Gilmore in 2002. In his capacity as Associate
Creative Director he focuses on the creative development of digital
communication initiatives.
He is a veteran of advertising, and has spent the past decade of his career
committed solely to working in the digital space.
‘It’s exciting to work in a medium that has the potential to make rapid
quantum leaps from a technology perspective and has probably the most
demanding audience. You can’t take anything for granted and you can’t make
any assumptions. Pair this with result-oriented clients and lean budgets and you
have a recipe to rip your hair out. Keeps you humble, keeps you busy, keeps you
curious about what’s next,’ he says.
Before joining the Biggs|Gilmore team Wolfgang was an art director at
InterOne (formerly BBDO InterOne) in Munich, Germany. He has worked on
national and international accounts including Adidas, Bank of America, BMW,
Commerzbank, DuPont, Eaton, MINI, Kellogg’s, Kimberly-Clark, Pfizer, Siemens,
SAP and Zimmer to name a few.

Creative biography

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